Tim and Franicia

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Mailing Out the Rest of Our Giveaway Items

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Our busy weeks are over. We were able to stay in Arkansas longer than we had first expected. Shortly after we returned from our trip, we prepared for a church family conference. Then some of us caught a slight bit of the illness that was going around amongst our friends and church members.

So today we tried to get the rest of our giveaway items together that were not already delivered. Our Rafflecopter giveaway for the goat's milk soaps and Living Waters books turned out well. Some people had asked us if we wanted to keep the items since our first Kickstarter campaign for the I Know You Love Me Mommy and Daddy book did not get fully funded.

We want to give away these prizes as a way to thank everyone's help in spreading the word about our first Kickstarter campaign. The only thing of course that could not be given (since it was dependent upon getting fully funded) were my children's book copies.

In addition to our website's Rafflecopter giveaway, we also ran a short Instagram giveaway on our main account @timandfranicia. We gave away two copies of Conquer Your Fear Share Your Faith by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron to one winner (to allow one to be shared).

The winner made a special request for both books to be autographed by anyone of us. I must admit that I was a bit surprised that our autograph was requested for a book that was not our own, but considering that we paid for these books they could almost be seen as gifts. We pray that they may be a blessing!

If you are one of our giveaway winners, we would love to hear how these items are a blessing to you!

We are also getting ready for our second try at the Kickstarter campaign and are doing a lot of things differently. If you enjoy these blog posts and want us to be able to reach you easily when we launch our next Kickstarter campaign, sign up for our mailing list. It's found everywhere on our website.

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[reminder]What do you think would be great giveaway items from us?[/reminder]