Tim and Franicia White - 16 small size

We believe that there is no book that is perfect but the Bible. Because of requests, we have put together the following book and reading list. These resources have blessed us immensely! :-)

This reading list has been a valuable source of information for our wonderful happy marriage in the Lord! We believe that our studying before marriage and having healthy and realistic expectations has blessed us so much! Not only did we look to serve each other by constant sacrifice and selflessness but also by doing all that we did heartily unto the Lord with praise, joy, and thanksgiving!

Because of these things, by His grace, we feel that we have been spared from some of the heartaches that many couples experience. Our marriage is sweeter and stronger even more so than in our honeymoon phase. We continue to grow fond of each other while enjoying each other's company, friendship, and counsel. We are each other's best friends!

Take the wheat and throw the chaff and most importantly of all, study God's Word and see what He says on the matter.

Copy of Our wedding Tim and Franicia White on the island of Saipan

May you be blessed as you seek to honor the Lord in all that you do and have a beautiful fulfilling marriage that exemplifies Christ and His glory!

For God's glory, Tim and Franicia White


  1. Discussion Topics for Courting Couples by Tim White and Tristen Nicaud

    This questionnaire can be helpful both for courting couples as well as for parents to get to know potential suiters for their children. If you have any recommendations for this document, please feel free to pass them on to us. :)

  2. Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Revised: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry by Dr. Les Parrott and Dr. Leslie Parrott

Marriage: Hers

  1. The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace

  2. What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About Men by Patrick M. Morley

Marriage: His

  1. The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott

  2. What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women by Dr. James C. Dobson

Marriage: Both

  1. Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne Mack

  2. The Resolution for Men and The Resolution for Women by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, Randy Alcorn, Priscilla Shearer