Tim and Franicia

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Writing and Self-Publishing Tips to Help You Get Started

Have you ever wanted to write a book and publish it? Many people who love books or writing dream sometimes that they’d love to be able to write something with meaning — write a book that makes a difference. You definitely can!

We get asked often what tips we have when it comes to self-publishing books. There are many things we often share, and here is a list of just some of them to get your started:

  1. Write. Write. Write. Writing will often lead to what message or book you’d like to finish.

  2. Don’t be afraid to start working towards your goal of writing a booklet, non-fiction book (memoir or educational work), or children’s book even if you never publish it. Your working on something will help you build those “writing muscles” and also make your final work more obvious of what you choose to eventually share with the world.

  3. Write what your end goal is in writing and self-publishing a book. Is it to pass down some fun lessons to your children? Are you wanting to share an important message or educational rhyme? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others in the same field of expertise you’ve been blessed to be a part of? Whatever your reason is, it helps to have some clarity by writing down some goals especially when working on any project: I know it has been beneficial for me as I’ve written and self-published many books!