Tim and Franicia

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My Morning Date

Yesterday was a nice relaxing morning after having come back from an exciting and busy trip to Arkansas last weekend. Tim was home on leave so we could prepare and attend this week's church family conference.

We had house guests to prepare for but most things were taken care of already. I was looking forward to talking to Tim about a lot of things on my list but mainly because I love talking to my best friend.

We sat at the breakfast table just as we do every morning and enjoyed some time together as a family before our children started their school work. When we had covered all their questions we announced that we were going to have our "Husband Wife Time" at the dining table.

They knew this was the signal that they weren't to talk to us unless it was an emergency. We separate this alone time frequently and in many different places and circumstances such as car rides, eating out on rare occasions, and at home.

I grabbed a few little snacking treats for us to munch on together (something our children were going to have with their lunch) and started talking to Tim.

We spoke about a number of things including our second campaign on Kickstarter to print the I Know You Love Me Mommy and Daddy children's book I wrote. We spoke about some personal things but mainly I joked about it also being a business meeting. We covered new and revised books and products we plan on launching.

While all of this was happening I kept saying how much I loved my morning date and business meeting with my Sweetheart! We were pretty much done talking but I enjoyed having some down time with him because he has such a busy schedule. Abraham even asked me if we were going to go somewhere since Daddy is rarely home. 

Then our sweet toddler came over to let us know we had a dirty diaper to change. Tim gladly volunteers and mostly insists (with a smile) that he do all diaper changes when he's home, yes even at night. So off he went to change Shiloh.

As I sat at the table looking at the last piece of information we could talk about before starting our busy day, I turned to Daniel and said, "Where's my morning date?"

Then my three-year-old excitedly announced, "I can help you find it!" 

"Oh thank you Daniel!"

Then he marched with gusto into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. To look for dates.